Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
can't wait 2 see abrar! they showed fuzon 2day, and they rocked! shafqat sang ankhon ke saagar real good, and the other 2 songs were be-suray. lol. but even still, his be-suray songs r better than 99%....!
lol @ noor's hair. my mom was also shocked. she looked nice tho.
the only actresses we've gotten 2 see in toronto r nirma, roop and deedar.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
T.O_Raptorz_2.0 said:
They will come if they see proper organisaation...which I think could be done if ALL Pakistanis here pitch in. As in posting posters up in there stores and telling the public on the radio shows...only then will people come...and the prices have to be set to a realistic price!
Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
i think ARY is the best so far.
but prime has more entertainment shows in my opinion. i like road tamasha, your choice, dream saturday and such shows which connect the west with pakistan.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
way 2 go shilpa shetty. i had no clue who she was until i saw her with reema. lol. but after hearing what shes said, and done while in pak.....she seems like a very respectable bollywood actress..
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
as humaira's biggest fan on this site, lemme just say, man-o-man she looks mmmugly in these pics. LOL. she looks MUCH better on tv, and i'm sure she looks better in person, NOW. atleast i hope she does... lol.
i knew she had zits, but they didn't look this bad in the pics i have seen...what the hell happend?! LOL.
ganja...welcome 2 JB....r u a humaira fan 2?! did u take these pics?! which city were they taken in?! and whose in them with her?!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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i love him 2 death, but if abrar comes one more time, i'll go crazy. lol.
we need a change, and we need it in a bigger venue than the brampton sports and entertainment arena, or markham fairgrounds. ACC is perfect, and it could definately attract a massive pakistani crowd from surrounding areas. now all we need is someone 2 bring these singers. lol.
Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
umair16 said:
i didnt see the show . sorry but i have seen it before. on this show their was noor rehim shah haroon shaida mini sajad ali abrar ul haq fuzon and a dance group .
Their is no news on the super music masti peace concert which am so angry about . . i really wana see it but zee's not showing it. dO U GUYS HAVE ary DIgital now in Canada . .
yup! we get ary digital, ary one, geo and ptv prime now! i'm go greatful for illegal satellite! lol. fuzon was @ milan 2003!! i will definately set my vcr!
as 4 super music masti...i think ary might show it, cause in their commercials they have a clip of a bunch of concerts? who knows tho....lets wait and see...
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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for once, north americans get something pakistani, that the uk doesn't!
u'll probably get it soon. huge audience there...
umair...did u see ARY last week?! they showed MILAN 2003! i wanted 2 ask u, who was on the show? they only showed half and they are showing the rest this saturday (i think). do u remember who was on that show? noor and who else?
and any news on super music masti?! when will they show that?!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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it won't be hard finding singing/lyrical talent in pakistan. bally sagoo has an ocean's worth of choices!
humaira arshad, abrar, hadiqa, ali zafar, fakhir, haroon, u name it! and then theres people he's already worked with like shabnam majeed and nfak's nephew! can't wait.....
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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4 us canadians, there's a small problem - our getting these channels, or atleast the new ones, depend on our illegal satellite provider buying them from their U.S. 'contact.'
the people i got my dish from, have only bought GEO so far. they're still contemplating wheather or not 2 get ARY. I told 'em they better buy it or they'll lose many pakistani customers....
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Lol @ fragi jee. i din't hear/read a word.
yas yaar....we were told ydakh, lp, and a bunch of other movies would come here, and nothing has made its way 2 canada yet. so i trust NO lollywood director/producer anymore.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
jinaab, stupidguy....u have decent points, lekin sab kuch choro....u can't deny that ever since he came into power, pakistan has prospered. as an outsider looking in, i CLEARLY see a difference now, compared to 5, maybe 10 years ago. so indeed musharraf is a excellent president so far. when he leaves we will re-evaluate, but 4 now, he's doing a super job. and 86% of pakistani's agree with this!!